Monday, April 5, 2010

How to get PTZ on Lockerz

On you can purchase items such as electronics, clothing, and media. But you can purchase them with real money or PTZ. If you use real currency like US dollar or any other currency you'll get PTZ for each purchase so you can use those PTZ on a future purchase without spend money on it. You can also receive PTZ just by logging on every day earns you 2PTZ, answer the Daily's; they're question ask everyday that you get 2PTZ for answering, or by watching videos that get put on earns you 2PTZ so its very simple to get these PTZ. Right now Lockerz is in its BETA stage meaning everything cost less PTZ to get things so now is the best time to sign-up. So if you want an invite to the site, its a member only site that you have to get invite to, to join, send me a email at Be sure to watch the video below for some example of the things you get get on

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